Couple finally realise they have hated each other for 40 years!

A married couple have told their friends that after a long and eventful marriage that they actually hate each and have always done so. Stuart and Jill now in their 60's from Yorkshire, first got together in their teens, however despite continual arguments, tears and tantrums they stuck at it through thick and thin, only now to realise that they have been a couple of twats. Stuart explained "I was a like a horse with blinkers crossed with a dog with two dicks at first, all I could see was a great pair of tits and her obvious signs of being majorly bonkers didn't seem to put me off and I just got mesmerised by a sprinkling of the magic fanny dust and once kids come along you are basically f*cked. What a complete knob I have been." He went on "a convicted terrorist would have got less of a sentence than this"  His wife Jill has told her friends via her Facebook page "I can't believe we are still together after all this time. I wish I dumped the moody miserable bastard years ago. We have never like the same things and that is important when you are sentenced to a lifetime with one person." 

Do you live in a shit relationship that you can't escape? Help is available from Relate and other agencies or alternatively just pack your bags and get the hell out! 

Reporter Janice Tait

Image Rachael Gorjestani - Unsplash