25 Year Old Man Admits Listening to Prog Rock

A man in his twenties has admitted that he regularly listens to progressive rock. Neville Brown, 25 from Salisbury has come clean with his friends and told them that he is enjoying many different groups from the music genre normally associated with old grey haired men in ill fitting jeans and who own Volvo's.  He said " I am sorry but I need to tell you that I have been enjoying the ridiculously long intro's, unusual time signatures, twiddly interludes and trademark bass pedal segments characteristic of groups such as Yes, Genesis, Pink Floyd and King Crimson. I cannot keep this a secret for any longer." 

His friends however have been supportive in their comments, one saying "Hey man, don't feel embarrassed, we still love you."  Another commented "So brave of you to come out about this."

We asked Bob Wakeman, Prof of Music Psychology at Bristol University, if young people listening to old persons music is widespread. He explained "Yes it is. Prog rock has seen a resurgence in the last decade, both the older bands and many modern groups now adopting a much less commercial and more diverse style of writing.  Also the re-birth of vinyl and turntables have meant thousands of younger listeners are now dabbling in secretly listening to tunes mostly enjoyed by old bastards. The growth of streaming and online sales of records also makes it easy for young people to find the gear they need. It is quite startling that the youngsters who get hooked do not seem to be put off by anything, not even the self-indulgent overuse of electronic keyboards"  

Steve Howe, guitarist out of the prog rock group Yes was reported to be quite concerned about so many young people listening to prog and asked them to always think carefully about their choice of music and overall mental health. 

Reporter Greg Korg

Image - Herry Sucahya - Unsplash

Information can be found on Prog Rock HERE.